Telecom Exchange

Why Choose Telecom Exchange Email solution

Moving critical components of your business to the cloud can appear to be a daunting and stressful task. Telecom Exchange provides enterprise-grade e-mail and cloud services to South African businesses of all sizes. We can provide our customers with 99.9% uptime thanks to our highly specialized skills and integration with world-class value-added partners

Email Solutions

Hosted Exchange

Get Telecom Exchange to manage your Microsoft Exchange with ease; our extensive Microsoft hosting knowledge has made us the leading exchange provider. Hosted exchange supports both Shared Calendar and Shared Contact List

We guarantee 99.9% uptime on our Hosted Exchange solution

You can easily collaborate your exchange with skype for business video calling

Telecom Exchange hosted exchange service is offered on a month-to-month contract


We provide migration tools to make the transition from on-premises to Office 365 easy and painless as possible. With powerful apps like Word, Excel, Outlook, Teams, and PowerPoint, Microsoft Office 365 gives you access to powerful tools that help you work, learn, organize, connect, and create ideas with teammates, classmates, or family members across all your devices

Telecom Exchange Office365 is offered with a 99.9% uptime to ensure your business runs without any delays

We assist our customers with seamless migration to our office365

We offer our office365 on a month-to-month basis

Email Security

Email security protects the content of an email account or service, which is a common way to prevent the spread of malware, spam, and phishing attacks. Telecom Exchange offers Hosted Exchange that includes Mimecast Security, giving you a peace of mind that your email is secure

Prevent data breaches, exfiltration, or unwanted destruction of sensitive data

Attachment Protection provides comprehensive protection against both known and unknown threats through a multi-layered approach

Mimecast will offer an integrated data protection to keep your business compliant & data protected to ensure your business content is archived.

Protect your business from phishing, spam, and  malicious URLs,  including ransomware